face masks PPE suppliers

Scientific Reasons Behind the Need for Wearing Face Masks in Public Settings

As states have already started reopening from work-at-home orders, many, including California are now making it compulsory for the general public to wear face coverings in public settings to control the spread of coronavirus. The increased usage and panic buying have led to intense pressure on face masks manufacturers and bulk PPE suppliers in the USA to meet the soaring demand for face masks.

The CDC and WHO now recommend that cloth masks can work well for the general public. However, initially, during the COVID-19 outbreak, both organizations suggested just the opposite. These ever-changing guidelines have created confusion among the people as to whether they should wear or not wear masks.

The health experts, on the other hand, say that wearing face masks can help prevent COVID-19 from spreading. In fact, the more people wear face masks, the better.

This blog explains the science of how face masks work and things to consider when selecting a face mask.

Reasons Why CDC Changes Its Guidelines on Wearing of Face Masks

During the earlier days of the global pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued guidance based on their assumption that COVID-19 is a low-disease pandemic. Healthcare workers used face masks without testing the effectiveness of masks in COVID-19 protection. Face masks give a false sense of protection and therefore, people should not solely depend on them for COVID-19 protection.

Unlike other face masks, N95 respirators are more effective in reducing the spread of coronavirus. However, the acute shortage of N95 respirators brought many challenges for healthcare professionals while treating COVID-19+ patients. Furthermore, the scarcity of N95 respirators in the USA, a country that depends largely on international imports, has put bulk face mask manufacturers and bulk PPE suppliers in the USA to supply these essential face masks in bulk. Seeing the inability of many face masks PPE suppliers to meet the sudden demand spikes for N95 masks, both the CDC and WHO have strictly recommended the use of N95 respirators by healthcare workers only. The general public can wear cloth face masks or face coverings in public places to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

A Few Facts that Support the Importance of Face Masks in Preventing COVID-19

In an experiment that used a high-speed video, it was discovered that hundreds of virus-containing respiratory droplets ranging from 20-500 micrometers were produced when saying just a simple phrase. However, when speaking with the mouth covered with a damp washcloth, it was found that almost all these droplets were blocked.

Another research revealed that if people with common cold or flu wear a surgical face mask, it considerably reduces the amount of these viruses emitted via respiratory droplets and aerosols.

As per the study published in Health Affairs, the growth rate of COVID-19 in 15 states and the District of Columbia, after the compulsory use of face masks, was reduced by 0.9 to 2 points.

Another recent study about the death rate due to COVID-19 disclosed that amongst 198 countries, those which followed cultural norms, and government policies favoring the mandatory use of face masks in public settings have experienced lower death rates.

Questions that You May Have Regarding Face Masks

Is It Necessary to Wear Face Masks?

The CDC and health experts strongly advise people to wear cloth face masks when in public places. However, this is not necessary if you’re under 2 years, have medical complications, or if it’s possible to maintain a distance of 6 feet from people at all times, which is a very rare situation.

How Does a Face Mask Prevent COVID-19?

The novel coronavirus spreads through virus-containing respiratory droplets emitted via nose or mouth when cough, talk, sneeze or inhale. Face masks play a significant role in reducing the spread of COVID-19. These are like barriers between infectious droplets and your nose and mouth that block the entry of the virus. This is the reason why there is soaring demand for face masks amid COVID-19 which has led to the emergence of new face masks manufacturers and bulk PPE suppliers in the USA.

Even though face masks prevent these virus-containing droplets from traveling further, a healthy person is likely to get infected by touching contaminated surfaces, or through skin or eyes where droplets have fallen over. Hence, face masks are more effective in reducing the spread of COVID-19 through an infected person than protecting a healthy person from getting infected.

Should I Go with Disposable or Reusable Face Masks?

Disposable surgical masks are effective in terms of breathability and blocking respiratory droplets and hence, they can be used in laboratory tests. This type of face mask is only for single-use and should be disposed of properly immediately after each use. A reusable face mask, on the contrary, can be considered as a long-term solution. However, reusable masks should be sterilized properly before and after use. If you find these masks to be visibly dirty, you should first wash them and dry them completely for reuse.

What Material is Best for Face Masks?

There’s no exact straightforward answer to this question. When talking about the material, you need to focus more on the type of fabric (linen, cotton, silk) than the quality of the fabric. High-quality and durable fabric is tightly woven and has a thicker thread that helps in blocking the respiratory droplets from permeating through. Apart from being of high-quality, face masks should also be breathable and comfortable. If you need to buy face masks online, you should consider sourcing face masks from authorized bulk PPE suppliers in the USA for getting high-quality and durable face masks at affordable prices.

How Many Layers Does a Good Face Mask Have?

You may find a variety of face masks available in the market, all with different styles and designs. When buying face masks online or in-store, you should consider buying a face mask with a minimum of 3 layers as it provides better protection against the virus. So, why not buy a 4-layered face mask? Well, you can but you must not compromise on the breathability and comfortableness of your face mask.

Why is Thread Count Important?

Thread count is important because it helps you determine the breathability of the face mask. It is calculated as the number of threads per square inch of fabric. Face masks made with satin fabrics have a very high thread count, but these masks may cause breathability problems.

What Type of Face Mask is Best for Me?

Whether you buy face masks from face masks PPE suppliers, you should consider choosing a face mask that covers your nose and mouth properly, and forms a snug seal at your face mask’s edges. You won’t find a face mask with an airtight seal apart from medical-grade N95 respirators. However, you can buy something that is equally good, if not perfect.

Should I Buy Handmade or Store Ready Face Masks?

The type of material used for making a face mask determines the effectiveness of the face mask. It hardly matters whether your face mask is homemade or factory-made as long as it is made of high-quality materials. A multi-layered face mask is considered to be more effective than single-layered face masks. So, no matter you use a handmade face mask or buy from bulk PPE suppliers in the USA, you should always check the material of the face mask before buying and select the one that is most comfortable to wear.

Which is Better – Face Masks With or Without Exhalation Vents?

Face masks with exhalation vents help in preventing the wearers from inhaling infectious particles but not from exhaling them. The face masks with exhalation vents help in breathing easily but block the entry of infectious particles.

However, in the present times, you need to block your respiratory droplets from traveling further, and therefore, using a face mask with exhalation vents won’t satisfy the purpose of face masks, to block the respiratory particles from spreading further.

How to Select the Right Face Mask?

Many health experts suggest that having a face covering is always better than having no face covering at all. So, when you buy face masks online, make sure you do your homework thoroughly and find a face mask that is high-quality, breathable, multi-layered, and that you can wear at any time. You may even consult with face masks PPE suppliers who can help you select the right face mask.


So, these are some of the facts and questions that might have cleared your confusion related to the use of face masks and why these are important in controlling the spread of COVID-19. Also, when you buy masks from face masks manufacturers or online, you must do proper research before buying or placing a bulk order to avoid scams and frauds.

If you’re in the USA or planning to source face masks or PPE from bulk PPE suppliers in the USA, you should do thorough research on the background of local face masks PPE suppliers, their certification and license, services, customer reviews, and shipping costs. This way, you can buy the best-quality face mask at affordable prices and avoid any kind of scam or fraud.

If you’re looking to place a bulk order for face masks or PPE gear, Co-Defend is the right destination to get high-quality face masks or PPE at an affordable price range.

Know the Real Value of Personal Protective Equipment Amid Covid-19 & Stay Protected

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