Personal Protective Equipment

Factors to Consider When Sourcing Personal Protective Equipment

The surging demand for personal protective equipment due to the ongoing COVID-10 pandemic has compelled many hospitals and healthcare centers to look beyond the existing personal protective equipment manufacturers and suppliers for their sourcing needs. As the local PPE supply chains are overwhelmed, many healthcare organizations are turning to lesser-known, offshore PPE suppliers. However, this option comes with its own set of risks. When dealing with unknown, offshore suppliers, it can be difficult to choose legitimate ones. So, here in this article, we will discuss some important factors to consider when sourcing personal protective equipment to help you avoid scammers and unscrupulous actors.

Co-Defend is one of the most trusted wholesale PPE suppliers in the USA. It has a vast network of authorized PPE manufacturers and suppliers that offer reliable, durable, and FDA-approved PPE gears at an affordable price range. If you’re looking to source from bulk PPE suppliers in the USA, then Co-Defend is the company you can trust.

Now, let’s take a look at some of the steps that clinics, medical centers, hospitals, and allied healthcare organizations can take to source from reliable wholesale PPE suppliers in the USA.

Steps to Take When Sourcing Personal Protective Equipment

Benchmark the Prices from Various Suppliers

The prices of personal protective equipment vary significantly every week. So, you need to keep a check on the changing prices and the current market prices of PPE equipment on a regular basis. While benchmarking PPE prices from different wholesale PPE suppliers in the USA is a good practice, you should bear in mind that checking the price is not the only consideration. You should also evaluate the supplier’s capability to meet the demand and ensure consistency of PPE supply. If they are able to do, you can choose them even if they are charging more.

Check Product and Quality Certifications

Before you source from wholesale PPE suppliers in the USA, make sure to contact your suppliers and ask about their product and quality certifications. If they are not able to provide the certifications or if they are not aware of them, then you should consider looking for other suppliers. Also, you need to explain your PPE specifications and requirements to your supplier thoroughly. They might even offer valuable recommendations that you may not have considered previously.

Order for Trial Products

Ordering sample or trial products is essential to ensure that the supplier has the products they claim and to check the quality of the product. When trying out a new product or supplier, it is wise to order sample products first to confirm the product claims. For example, if you’re buying masks or respirators, it is important to try the products to check their quality. Evaluating their build quality, usability, and material is equally important to certifications and meeting quality compliance requirements.

As one of the leading wholesale suppliers in the USA, we make sure that all our personal protective equipment manufacturers provide high-quality, durable, and certified PPE items.

Assess Your PPE Supplier

When considering sourcing personal protective equipment from offshore suppliers, you need to assess your supplier based on the product quality, availability, and prices the supplier is offering. Demand for high advance payments, lack of proper documentation, or strange business practices like asking for making payments to intermediary parties are usually the characteristics of an unreliable PPE supplier.

You also need to evaluate the supplier’s order fulfillment track record. Always ask for references from other healthcare firms to which they have supplied so far. You also need to check their success rate of delivering orders on time and within budget, their responsiveness, and customer support service.

Explore Your Network

It is a great idea to tap into your network as there may be a possibility that anyone in your network might have worked or is currently working with the supplier. They can give you a better idea of their benefits and drawbacks. Consult with them and take their feedback to make a better decision.

However, as this is a matter of experience, not everyone has the same experience with a particular supplier, especially if various product categories are involved.

Final Note

Every healthcare organization has specific requirements from their personal protective equipment manufacturers or suppliers, so there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. However, you can reduce the risk by partnering with a trusted and reputable PPE supplier that has a fantastic track record of order fulfillment.

Co-Defend is amongst those wholesale PPE suppliers in the USA, that has a great success rate and achieved maximum customer satisfaction. If you’re looking forward to sourcing personal protective equipment from bulk PPE suppliers in the USA, Co-Defend is the right destination for you.


What are the types of PPE available?

There are 5 types of PPE available for

  • Respiratory Protection
  • Eye and Face Protection
  • Head Protection
  • Hand Protection

What does PPE include for body protection?

Some of the things that constitute PPE for body protection include coveralls, aprons, splash suits, jackets, surgical gowns, vests, and full-body suits. Body protection PPE gear comes in various materials suitable for various kinds of hazards.

How much does a PPE kit cost?

The cost of a PPE kit depends on the components it includes. The more PPE components you want to add, the higher will be the cost. Get in touch with to get a quote for bulk PPE supplies.

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